Maria Julieva
Maria Julieva is one of our seamstresses here at VIOMODA. She is a Newcomer in the sewing department but allready quite sucessfull so we thought let’s ask her a few questions about her life and how she found her way into our
Hello Maria Julieva where are you from?
I’m from Plovdiv. I was born in Plovdiv and I have lived here my hole life.
Tell us more about you?
I am married for 33 years now. I have two grown-up
children, a daughter and a son, unfortunately, are not in Bulgaria. My daughter has been in Italy for three years, and my son has been in the United States for nine months now. I miss them so much.
Tell us what you worked before coming to our company.
Before I came here, I worked in an electronics company, an Italian company installing electronic components for nine years. Before that I worked in a shop for six years.
How did you find out about us?
I wanted a change. I really liked the newspaper
advertisement. I liked the fact that this is an Austrian company because I expected good order and discipline. Later I liked the place, the atmosphere and the calmness that all of you radiated. I trusted my intuition and how can I say it, I am highly intuitive. Sometimes I prefer to trust my intuition rather than my mind and I guess that in these cases this is always the best thing to do.
You haven’t worked as a seamstress before? So this is something completely new for you?
Well, it’s not completely new because I pretty much have a basic idea of this but it was a long time ago, when I was student, that I had practice in sewing.
What is the most difficult thing?
A lot of things are still difficult for me but I see that the more experienced seamstress also find them difficult. And now I must say that we have a lot of seamstresses who are experienced and make easier things than you, while you already manage to achieve very good results and you are one of our best seamstresses.
Tell me what is the most difficult thing for you – feel the fabric, get used to our models because they are not quite standard. What is the thing you find most problematic?
I can’t say it’s problematic. Maybe the fact that I don’t have the necessary experience. But thanks to our
manufacturing director I manage to deal with things. She shows me everything very well, she helps me a lot. In the beginning, the technologist followed me closely and thanks to them I am here now.
Do you find this job monotonous or the fact that there is a change keeps you stimulated every day?
To a certain degree, it is a good thing that there is a change. But when this change happens every hour or every minute, then the workload is heavy. It becomes difficult when urgent things appear. Yesterday, for
example, I worked with two colours, three legs and I changed them from minute to minute. This is really
overloading for me.
As a seamstress, in your opinion, can you earn enough to have a normal life? You said that your children are not here, I guess you and your husband have a common budget?
I will tell you something to compare: Here I earn more than at my previous job, my salary with all bonuses is much higher. This means a lot for me. Although I am from Plovdiv and my parents are from Plovdiv, I live in lodgings. So, I welcome every extra penny. My children also support me from far away as well, wich makes me very happy.
Thank you very much for the interview.